Philippine navy almost deal on Maestrale Fregate

Dear all hands

Recent day, source from DND say tahat philippine navy almost deal on maestrale class fregate . According plan  Philippine navy  at least will buy six ship from maestrale class fregate. This acquisition will make south east asia navy more colourfull. As we know, indonesia in 2009 buy corvette class ship from netherland, singapore buy formidable class fregate from france and malaysa buy meko class corvette from germany.

Maestrlae class fregate for philippine navy will be equipped with the state of the art sea walfare.  So they can perform multirole , from anti submarine, anti aircraft and anti surface combatant.

Philippine navy will equipped cutter class frigate with modern radar and missile

Dear all hands

As we know, philippine navy in midle 2012 acquire two frigate from USA but unfortunatelly  before the is handed into philippine , the ship armament being removed, so this ship become tootlhess  specially in the front chinesse ship.   But recent days   philippine navy is make good decision to equip the ship with modern sensor and armament.

According to the official, the BRP Gregorio Del Pilar and the soon-to-arrive BRP Ramon Alcaraz, will be equipped with Harpoon, an anti-ship missile system, and will also be fitted with more sophisticated radars capable of detecting and tracking incoming surface threats and anti-missile and torpedo decoying systems.

Indonesia receive first batch of their super tucano coin

Dear all hands

Maybe this month become the most busiest month for the indonesian military fficer, because in this month after they succes launch their first stealth patrol ship, now indonesian air force will receive for super tucano coin as first batch of 16 super tucano. Indonesian air force intended super tucano as replecement OV Bronco.

As we know , super tucano is multiple role coin air craft, it capable as anti helicopter anti personal and anti armor . To neutralize enemy chopter, super tucano equipped with piranha AA missile and  its capable launch ATGM.

Indonesia become the first user of super tucano in south east asia (maybe asia too).

Vietname Navy receive indigenous Gun Boat

Dear all hands

Recenly , vietname navy receive their second indigenous gun boat build by local ship yard Hong Ha Ship yard. This vietnam indigenous gun boat has a length of 54.16 m, a width of 9.16 m, the largest stretch of water is 446 tons, the average amount of water recreation is 413 tons, the ability to go to the beach when the sea level 6, level 8. 

This boat is second boat from HQ-273 of TT400TP  class gun boat. Now day Vietnam navy extensivelly ugrade their navy capability, specially after Chine acting assertively  in disputed south chinesse sea.